Who are we

We are a growing initiative of currently around 20 people, founded in autumn 2023. Our origin is in the Green New Deal movement, who's visions we still share as a long-term goal for our initiative.

Our initiative is made up of a wide variety of different people - students, doctoral candidates, workers, retirees, activists and school pupils. Our members are based in different EU countries, from Ireland to Spain, and from Belgium to Lithuania. Moreover, we are happy to also call people from Global South countries our members. The variety of backgrounds and professions in our initiative enables us to take a truly pluralist approach to our topics.

What unites us is our desire for a humane and prosperous future on a healthy planet. We share the belief that a well informed and vivid public debate that is inspired by progressive policy proposals is key to a path towards such a future.

Everything we are doing takes place on a voluntary basis, with the aim of not only making a meaningful contribution to the public debate, but also to counter the feeling of our own powerlessness and make a constructive difference together.

Moreover, we are collaborating with other action groups, associations and think tanks in various forms.

Jonas Plattner

Jonas Plattner (founder, working group on financing)

  • from Stuttgart, Germany
  • 25 years old
  • student of International Relations and Philosophy at the University of Erfurt
  • Member of the german branch of the association "Rethinking Economics" and the heterodox economic think tank "Samuel Pufendorf Gesellschaft für politische Ökonomie" 
  • former intern at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action 

Merete Looft (working group on agriculture)

I'm Merete, 25 years old and originally from a small village in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany). Recently, I finished my master in Public Policy and I am especially interested in questions of global development and how to create a green transition in a socially inclusive and just way. Moreover, I wrote my master thesis about the European Common Agriculture Policy and am ever since invested in how to reform the policy in a way that sets us on the path towards sustainable agricultural practices in the EU.

Philipp Cremer (organizational team)

I am Philipp, 21 years old and currently studying economics. I am very interested in politics and society and really started thinking about climate change in school when Fridays for Future started to grow in Germany. The last year felt like there were no real progresses anymore in climate action and politics. This made me feel helpless in a way and I started looking for a group to be part of the change and to try some different approaches. And just like this we found each other and started this project.
Next to studying I make a lot of music in different groups.

Lena Hellfors (organizational team)

Partner organizations

Questions? Write us an email!